• What is came/sash?
Came is a channel used to interconnect glass into stained glass art. Came typically comes in an H or U shape. The glass sits in the channel and is then cut and soldered to hold the glass in place. This traditional method is also referred to as glazing or leading.
• Is it possible to design custom lead profiles?
Yes. If we don't have a profile that matches a customers requirements, then we can custom design a die in approximately five to ten business days.
• Where can I purchase Cascade’s products?
We ship our products to a network of global distributors. Contact us at info@cascademetals.com for information on a supplier near you.
• Metals are heavy and expensive to ship. How expensive are your freight rates?
We have competitive shipping rates from a variety of different carriers and freight forwarders.Contact us at info@cascademetals.com for a free quote today.